How this weirdness all started…

Hi there! If you’re reading this, I can only assume you’re either lost, bored, or maybe both. In any case, since you’re here, I may as well do my best to keep you entertained…

My name is Mark. Since 2003 I’ve been in the US Air Force, because when you get bored and drop out of college, it’s really the biggest opportunity for a decent, mostly-rewarding career (thanks for yelling at me to enlist, dad!). I’ve had a few tours overseas, but Afghanistan trip number 2 (in 2012) was definitely the pinnacle. I was lucky enough to get to be the Communications Specialist (“comm guy”) for an EOD company. For those not familiar, EOD stands for Explosive Ordnance Disposal–during the good old days of GWOT they were (and in a sense still are, but in a very limited amount these days) the guys who dug up roadside bombs (IEDs), and–if you believe the movies–ran around in a war zone completely unsupported going all Rambo-style on the baddies (that’s sarcasm; The Hurt Locker is ridiculous and every EOD tech I’ve had the pleasure of knowing dry heaves at the mention of its name). During that deployment (blog post coming soon), a horse mask was purchased from Amazon. And thus, Professor Horseyhead™ was born.

Since that time, I have traveled around the country (going international summer of 2020) engaging in shenanigans (mostly harmless ones, saving the evil ones for Officer Farva). This blog is a combination of that fantastic travel, food and experiences enjoyed along the way, a smattering of men’s style, maybe even some automotive discussion, who knows. I have unfortunately seen the bad side of humankind on several occasions, but have turned that into a mentality of not taking life too seriously, and trying to get out of the rut so many of us fall into.

Some posts may get long-winded, some may be short little snippets of “what a race, another championship for Hamilton!!” But hopefully you’ll stick with me and I’ll either inspire you to do that thing, up your style game, or save up and splurge on Michelin-rated food.

Anyway, whatever caused you to find yourself here, welcome!

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